We’re thrilled to have you!
Take a swing around the site, and you might notice that we do things a little differently around here than the online yoga you’ve tried!
How? All of our classes are live via two way video, with incredible teachers who are here to support your practice, help you build a habit, and encourage you to do more yoga! Our focus is on offering yoga classes for a range of students – be it your first class or your 50th, whether you are practicing to improve your flexibility, because your doctor recommended it, or just because you need some me-time.
Here’s a Peek at What Class Looks Like:
(Click the play button to see a sample of a real class!)
Why Classes are Different on Ompractice:
- We believe that every student deserves to be seen and supported by a great teacher.
- We believe that everyone deserves access to great teachers: whether you live in New York City, Seattle, a small town, or across the oceans in Melbourne – with Ompractice you have access to a great teacher who actually can see and get to know you! Our students become “regulars” just like at a brick and mortar studio.
- With Ompractice, you actually *do* the class you set out to do – let’s face it – how many times have you popped in a tape, DVD, or clicked on a Youtube yoga video with the intent to get in some yoga and then the siren song of a text message or something else distracts you?
🔎 What to Expect: Anatomy of an Ompractice Class

If you haven’t taken a class with us yet – here’s what you can expect!
💻 It’s easy to sign up – you can register in advance, or right before class. Once you register, you’ll get a link in your receipt to log in to class. You can take class right from your laptop or your phone – as long as it has a camera!
🧘 Be SEEN and TAUGHT by a great teacher. Ompractice is live via two way video so your teacher can see, support, and guide you through every class. No pre-recorded videos! Yup, that’s Lisa Rischitelli in the top left teaching the class. Her students are taking class from home.
👂 No craning your neck! Our teachers are skilled at guiding you through a class without needing to constantly look up at the screen.
💪 Get that class done! Finish refreshed and ready to take on your day.
All of our classes are live, via two way video, so your teacher can see and support you, just like a class you might take in a studio.
Okay, so the most common question we get asked: Can people see me? Yep, but we promise it’s not as weird as you think. One of the nice things about Ompractice is that you can focus on your practice rather than craning your neck and looking at a screen. Yes, you can see the other folks in your class, but we promise, nobody is staring at each other!
About Our Classes on Ompractice
At Ompractice, we have classes for everyone! Whether you are a first timer, or a longtime yogi, all of our classes are with incredible instructors, and designed to meet you where you are.
Quick Classes: We know you are busy! Only have 30 minutes to squeeze in a workout? At Ompractice we have express classes to get you in and off the mat in 30 minutes or less. You’ll find these on the schedule titled “express”.
Here’s a selection of classes you’ll find on Ompractice, as well as a sample calendar with our current schedule. (Yes, that image is small! Click it or click the link here to see a larger version!) You can always find the current schedule at http://app.ompractice.com/schedule

Meet Your Teachers on Ompractice:
At Ompractice, you’ll find teachers with a wide range of teaching styles and backgrounds. We’ve added short teacher bios on every class page on Ompractice so you can learn more, and you can click through to read more about each teacher in their extended bios. (You can browse through the bios of our amazing teachers at app.ompractice.com/teachers.) Here are just a few of the faces you’ll meet on Ompractice!

We’re lucky to have some of the best teachers on our platform – and think you’ll love meeting them! Best way to get to know them? Try their class!
How the Tech Works: It’s Simple, We Promise!
Here’s how it works:
- Pick a class that interests you at ompractice.com/schedule
- Add it to your cart and purchase.
- Click the class link you receive in your email to join the video class –
Ompractice works across tablets, phones, and laptops, using the Zoom.us video platform. We highly recommend ensuring your device is plugged in and charging.
Sign up in advance OR right before class starts!
Tech Problems? If you are having any trouble, you can always send us a message either via email or via the Intercom chat pop up right on the website. You’ll get one of our team members responding to you as quickly as we can to help!
How to Set Up Your Space with Ompractice:

- Turn the Volume up on your device so you can hear well.
- Set up your mat 6-8 feet away from the camera, ideally with your mat at a 45 degree angle so the teacher can get a good view of you. (This is not required if you don’t have the space – we care more that you are practicing, not what your mat looks like.)
- Your teacher may ask you to adjust your camera partway through class if they can’t see you properly!
Get Started! 👇
Ready to take your first class? Drop into any Ompractice class on the schedule at ompractice.com/schedule, or sign up for unlimited membership, for just $24.99/month. That’s just about ~$6/week for as much great yoga as you need!